Initially dubbed as the Korean-Canadian counterpart of famous tele-series Fresh Off The Boat, Kim’s Convenience took off and grew to popularity in no time—hilarious, endearing, and charming in its own right. It tells the story of a Korean family of four who navigate their way around as diaspora in a foreign land. Appa and Umma (which translate from Korean to ‘dad’ and ‘mum’) run a convenience store—no prizes for guessing, Kim’s Convenience—as reflected in the show’s iconic name.
Fans of the series have been waiting with bated breath all this while for season 4 to drop, especially since it seems as though any new content is good content during this work from home season, where everyone has probably ploughed through all there is to watch. And now that it’s finally here, I’m here to tell you that season 4 of Kim’s Convenience is completely worth your while—that’s if you haven’t already shelved your work to binge all 13 episodes, of course.
Be prepared to have your Jung and Shannon questions answered, and brace yourself for new developments in Janet’s love story arc. As usual, our favourite Appa and Umma will always be here to look after the store, themselves, and their dear customers. Catch up on Kim’s Convenience Season 4 for that familiar, “OK, see you” once again.
Kim’s Convenience Season 4 | Watch Here | Facebook | Instagram
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