The news that’s been flooding your timeline as of late has been pretty upsetting I know, so perhaps I may interest you in something that’s a little more lighthearted. Amidst this COVID-19 pandemonium, Mother Nature has a stay home gift for us all—the Super Pink Moon. Seeing how January’s Quadrantids Meteor Shower and March’s Super Worm Moon got Singaporeans all up and excited, we’re pretty sure you’re going to love this one.
Now before you get too excited, I have to step in to say that the Moon’s appearance will not actually be pink per se, but it’ll still be a sight to behold nonetheless. Instead, you will be able to catch brilliant orange hues for a couple of minutes before they fade to a pale yellow.
According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Super Moon occurring during this time of year is typically called the Super Pink Moon because it coincides with the spring blooming of the moss pink flower, scientifically known as the phlox subulata.
What makes this coming Super Pink Moon so exciting is the fact that it will appear 14% bigger in diameter, and brighter than typical full moons on the day when the moon reaches the perigee—the point closest to Earth. To my fellow Singaporeans, we can all supposedly catch the Super Pink Moon at 10.35am SGT on the morning of 8 April, and you may track real-time updates of moon phases here.
While it has often been cited that the best places to catch such natural phenomenon are big open spaces with clear skies such as local parks, beaches, Marina Barrage, and Henderson Waves, this time, we’ll have to do things a little differently.
Unfortunately due to the trying current state of affairs, I urge everyone to stay home and try your best to catch the moon from your room windows, preferably an east-facing one. Do not fret, there’s no need to flock downstairs for there’s no rare Pokemon to catch here—just a spectacular, beautiful sight.
Here’s wishing everyone clear skies, and bright eyes.
Time: 10.35am SGT (may be subject to change)
Date: 8 April 2020
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