It’s time to be a little more eco-conscious. In conjunction with Earth Day, Starbucks has released Reusable Cups on 22 April 2019 to do our part on reducing plastic waste.

The Reusable 16oz Hot Cup is priced at S$3.90 and the Reusable 16oz Cold Cup, which comes with a reusable straw, going for S$4.90. Possibly the cheapest cups among the other merch available!
The reusable cups look just like the takeaway cups sans your name when you purchase a drink. But that can be easily done with permanent ink, so you don’t mix your cup with someone else’s.
The reusable cups are available with any drink purchase, and score S$0.50 off when you bring these cups along on your next visit. Though it’s made of plastic, at least we’re not tossing it out after every drink.
Dates: From 22 April 2019
Prices: S$3.90 – S$4.90
Starbucks Reusable Cups: Outlets Islandwide | Website | Facebook
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