We’ve all been ~haunted by our demons~ as some point, right? For some of us, it’s an internal battle to keep our mental health on the right track. For others, spirits and ghouls quite literally plague their lives. It is said that some experience the paranormal way more often than others due to a sensitivity that they have been bestowed with since birth.
To local YouTuber who runs the True Horror Stories POV channel, supernatural encounters are just a typical Tuesday night for her. “My mom says that it’s cause I was born different,” she writes, and she means it in the most literal way possible. “It was a breech delivery – where my legs came out first instead of my head.”
According to her, a known myth amongst the Malay community is that people who are born in the aforementioned way tend to “attract the unknown”. She documents and recreates short clips that are based on or inspired from alleged true events, with occasional exaggeration for cinematic purposes, she disclaims.
As a longstanding horror fanatic, I delved straight into True Horror Stories POV channel’s videos upon learning about them. Here are some of my favourites:
1. Midnight Jog
Many of you might already have seen this from TikTok, which is how this video gained traction and already has 110k views and counting. I particularly loved how this reenactment overwhelmed me with the gripping fear I can only imagine she felt, and anything that creepily plays with the trick of HDB lift panels is a definite win.
2. The Chase
With the editing, soundscaping, and acting done right, this one straight up gave me the chills. Even just looking at the thumbnail is nightmare fuel. Props to her for successfully recreating what even many big-budget horror films fail to do—a ghost figure that’s actually creepy and terrifying.
3. Night Laundry
As her husband was out buying snacks in preparation for their nightly movie marathon, she made use of the time to do the laundry. At around 2:25, a soft quacking sound can be heard, one which commenter Dylan Rytz claims to be a good warning sign that a pontianak is about to show themselves to people. “They will make a few of this sound first. If you ever hear this sound out of nowhere, to be safe, go away from that place,” he writes.
Whether I believe that or not, I’m bolting at the first hint of quacking nonetheless.
True Horror Stories POV has stated that she’s open to receiving stories from watchers, and has even offered to recreate them, where feasible. Think you’ve got a bone-chilling tale that the world should know about? You know who to call.
True Horror Stories POV | Watch Here
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