If you’re a ‘90s kid, you probably remember taking care of your virtual pet. Yes, I’m talking about Tamagotchi, that addictive handheld game where we first learnt to be responsible for a pet.

Missing the game? Keep an eye out for My Tamagotchi Forever, a new-and-improved version that will be released on Google Play and the Apple App store on 15 March 2018. No longer the pixelated blobs of yesteryears, these virtual pets look a bit like the cheery avatars from Animal Crossing.

These cute little critters need your TLC! Remember to feed and clean up after them, and of course give them lots and lots of affection. You can even tickle your pet via the touchscreen and play mini-games to earn in-game currency too.
Relive your childhood nostalgia with this free-to-play game when it comes out! Once you get started, you won’t want to leave your pet alone.
Date: Launching 15 March 2018
Price: Free-To-Play (premium in-game currency available for purchase)
My Tamagotchi Forever: Facebook | Website | Google Play store (Android) | Apple App Store (iOS)
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