Carmen Sandiego is back. For those unaware, Carmen Sandiego is a fictional character known as the world’s most notorious thief. This vile criminal was featured in multiple television shows in the 1980s and has made a comeback in a Netflix series in January 2019.
Now she has appeared in a Google Earth game called The Crown Jewels Caper, which allows you to chase and capture her across the world using clues.
Packed with a unique concept and nothing but fun, this game is simple: you will take on the role of a detective, interview tourists at iconic landmarks across the world and piece together clue to find out Carmen’s location.
Incorporating Google Earth into this game was an ingenious one. Besides solving mysteries, we get to see iconic landmarks across the world, which was eye-opening. Check out this unique view of the famous Buckingham Palace.
My only gripe would have to be its lack of audio. Without music, the experience was not as immersive as it could have been. But oh well, this is the kinda game that you play during a lunch break or when you get bored at work. Not the best game out there but did its job of providing some light-hearted fun.
Do give this cheap thrill a shot. After all, it only takes five minutes. You in?
Date: Now available
The Crown Jewels Caper: Chrome, Android & iOS
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