In line with National Day celebration and to comply with the safe distancing measures, Kaki Bukit Community Centre is organising…
Browsing: GE2020
GE2020 might be long over, but the heat doesn’t seem to subside. The notable speeches, politician antics, creative memes, and…
Everything seems quieter today. It’s nice to start cooling-off day on a chilly Thursday morning. While being in the midst…
As a true blue Singaporean and a soon-to-be second-time voter, I’ve never felt more pursued by our politicians. As the…
For many millennials like me, this election will be our first time voting—and boy am I excited. Though we’re still…
We live in the democratic society with a multi-party political system. As election fever is quickly catching on, check out…
Family feud or political game? Lee Hsien Yang, the youngest son of the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and the…
It’s happening!! General Election 2020 is finally happening my friends, President Halimah has dissolved Parliament and we’re set to poll…
It’s here, General Elections 2020. Following the announcement of parliament dissolution by PM Lee, we have been inundated by news,…
NB: This is a fictional account of what Singapore might look like after Circuit Breaker measures end. “Thank you, Singapore,…