Need to leave your house to grab essentials but don’t want to be at risk of contracting the virus? Fret no more, the Space Out and Safe Distance @ Parks trackers were designed specially to help you with that.
In light of the COVID-19 chaos, the government has implemented a set of measures referred to as circuit breakers to prevent the spread of the dreadful virus. Though the actions exerted are tight, we’re not in a complete lockdown so you don’t have to rush over to your nearest NTUC to panic buy. Leaving your home for essential purposes is still allowed, but it’s good to be wary of your surroundings regardless.
The two trackers function in similar ways. They both feature a map of Singapore and have a legend that indicates different levels of crowd density. From the site, you can get a quick and easy glimpse of the crowdedness of a particular location in real-time. That way, you know which locations to avoid as well as where you can visit with peace of mind.
The Space Out tracker takes it a step further and displays recent trends of crowd status rather than just the current crowd. This enables you to plan your visits based on previous records and don’t have to cancel your trips in fear of overcrowding in a particular area.
I can’t deny that staying in is harder than it seems and can sometimes get a bit suffocating, trust me I know. So, if you do need to get a quick breath of fresh air, be sure to utilize these trackers to avoid prime times before heading down to your nearest park both for the safety of yourself and everyone around you.
If we all vigilantly practise social distancing, we can curb and put an end to the spread of this virus and emerge stronger together as one nation.
Space Out | Website
Safe Distance @ Parks | Website
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