Ruhens values your safety and serenity at home. Hence, they are proud to unveil their latest WCE-200 Water Electrolyser, a convenient, eco-friendly home sterilizer with the capabilities to remove 99% of germs and bacteria.
Ruhens has gifted homeowners with the opportunity to make their own electrolytic water with sterilizing properties from the comfort of their own homes. The company claims that using just water and salt, almost anything at home can be cleaned.
As a bonus, you can even use it to sanitize hands, or if you want, as a deodorizer to be sure there’s no stank anywhere around you.
The hypochlorous acid in the electrolyzed water eliminates all forms of bacteria and germs lurking around you. It’s also safe for usage across all ages and has 0% alcohol content.
Not only that, this cleaning agent is perfect for your usual household chores and can even ease your burdens in targeting hard to clean items such as carpets and sofas. The germaphobe in you will also be glad to hear that it can be used to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables to keep your food fresh and harm-free.
The Ruhens’ Electrolyser is reusable and can create as many batches of electrolyzed water as you need. Moreover, the usage of the device is completely environmentally friendly. It also automatically turns off after 60 seconds so you can have peace of mind knowing your electricity is being conserved.
Best of all, the device is both quick and easy to use with every batch of electrolyzed water taking only one to three minutes to be completed. If you want to make the purchase, get it for S$280 at Ruhens’ showroom.
Ruhens Home Electrolyser Sterilizer | Website | Facebook | Instagram
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