It has been a long time since phones were used just for making phone calls. The needs of the people have changed drastically over the last decade and phones have smartened up with time. Now, we need good cameras, a cracking audio system and plenty of storage space to keep our ungodly amount of selfies.
You’re in luck as this 15 November 2017, Google will be releasing the Pixel 2XL to the public. The flagship phone is loaded with countless cool features and these eight functions are perfect for any millennial.
1. #nowplaying Feature
Now you can always know what song is playing, anywhere and instantly (well, kind of). Instead of swiping for the Shazam app, the Google Pixel 2XL will automatically match the music playing around you to the inbuilt database that’s updated weekly with the latest music.
Information will be displayed on the Always On Display feature. Double tapping the song leads you to more information about it, such as watching the video on YouTube or simply saving the song for later for you to listen to it again on your favourite music app.
The best part? It functions on airplane mode. No data needed.
2. Best Camera On A Smartphone
Don’t take our word for it but the Pixel 2XL has THE best camera on any smartphone in the market right now with a whopping score of 98 from DXO Mark Mobile. Amazing low-light capabilities, pro controls at your fingertips and a fused video stabilisation that turns videos of cobblestone rides into the slickest of footages.
3. Portrait Mode
This is one for all you selfie addicts. Portrait mode is the next big thing to come incorporated into all new smartphones and the Pixel 2XL is no different. Using data from thousands of photographs, Google has created an intelligent software that separates the foreground from the background to create that ever so lucrative bokeh effect.
An extra touch for your selfies, the face retouching option gets rid of your blemishes with a simple setting change. Optimised with the help of professional photographers, you’re assured genuinely good results.
4. Google Lens
Google Lens is a godsend for any curious mind. From the photos app, you can do a Google Image Search and you’ll be redirected into a Google query.
The Google Lens will help identify whatever you’ve taken a photo of, whether it’s a landmark you came across in your travels, an artwork you saw in a museum or even an abstract music album cover you stumbled upon, the Google Lens will do the hard work for you.
5. Google Assistant
As an Apple user myself, I can’t remember the last time I used Siri. I never get it right the first time and am better off just doing whatever I wanted to do myself. Good idea, less than perfect execution.
With Google Assistant (and its Singaporean English inclusion), your words will be picked up with impressive accuracy. Easily accessible with Active Edge, where you give your phone a little squeeze, or summoned with the magical words, “Ok Google”, you’ll find it extremely useful in everyday life.
Ask it to tell you about your day and it’ll list your plans, the weather and the duration of your commute.
6. Smart Storage
Backing up anything is something you’d automatically procrastinate to do since it’s so extremely tedious and the results are less than ideal. With Smart Storage on the Google Pixel 2XL, anything backed up when your storage is full will automatically be cleared.
7. Animated Wallpapers
Okay, the next two features are purely for aesthetic reasons. The Living Universe collection of wallpapers are like GIFs, with looping animations and life-like detail. Pictured is one of them, where the waves crash on the shore to always give you that calming effect whenever you unlock your phone.
8. Kaleidoscopic Music Player
I’m a big music lover and I’m always listening to something. A cool feature that the Google Pixel 2XL boasts is the fact that your mini music player changes to the colour themes of the song you’re playing. Admittedly a redundant feature but that feeling of completeness just proves that Google is making an effort to differentiate themselves from the competition.
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I know the word millennial is being thrown around a lot these days but this phone is unmistakably millennial. For god’s sake, they marketed the Pixel 2XL as a camera that makes calls! With smartphones being used these days for everything other than making calls, this signature Google smartphone goes to lengths way beyond the norm.
Date: Set for release this 15 November 2017
Price: Starts At S$1767.60 (Singtel Exclusive)
Google Pixel 2XL: Website
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