It’s been almost a week since the Instagram user @_epaul shared a (since-deleted) Instagram post about Dee Kosh’s alleged inappropriate behaviour online. A few Instagram stories and posts from some of Singapore’s influencer glitterati and we find ourselves in the trenches of yet another influencer scandal.
The dust has not settled and we feel a reckoning is afoot. This entire fiasco has taught us we no one is exempt from committing detestable acts. No matter how sterling their reputation was or how they have stood up against sexual harassment in the past.
We hearken to one of the oldest and most cliched sayings there is: Don’t judge a book by its cover, no matter how shiny or famous it is.
As with any transgression, the stance the closest people around the person in question takes is equally as important. We’ve gathered responses from some of Dee Kosh’s friends and see what they have to say.
1. Nathan Hartono: Friend
I don’t know the entire story, I don’t know the whole truth. Regardless, I am not, like, standing by any of his actions.
I am not saying any of the accusers are liars. I just don’t feel like I can give a fair or valid opinion at the time. Because I just don’t know the entire story. But, no matter the truth, no matter if he is in the wrong or the right or somewhere in between, I choose to stand by him as a friend.
Nathan Hartono did not post anything on Instagram, so we’ve transcribed part of what he said from his podcast, Good Hang.
This is what he said:
My position here, and I want to make it clear. I don’t know the entire story, I don’t know the whole truth. Regardless, I am not, like, standing by any of his actions. I am not saying any of the accusers are liars.
I just don’t feel like I can give a fair or valid opinion at the time. Because I just don’t know the entire story.
But, no matter the truth, no matter if he is in the wrong or the write or somewhere in between, I choose to stand by him as a friend. And be there for him whether he is wrong or right. Because he is going through a difficult time right now, and it’s not going to get any easier.
You can listen to his podcast here.
2. Hirzi: Friend
If I can be candid with my emotions – what I have been going through is the feeling of being stunned, confused, lost, hurt and disappointment.
I have experienced nothing like this before, where your principles and morals have to fight with natural instincts of being a friend.
3. Night Owl Cinematics (NOC) – Friend and frequent collaborator
All further collaborations with Dee Kosh have been put on hold indefinitely.
4. Benjamin Kheng: Friend
yes, he is a friend of mine, and I’m very disappointed. i do not condone his actions; a crime is a crime. i pray that the truth will surface in full, and that he’ll understand the gravity of his actions.
5. Ben Tang: Talent
Though we’ve been working together for so long. There is only so much I know about Dee Kosh and his personal life.
6. Hamzah Zaidi: Talent
We have our own flaws and personally, I know everyone isn’t 100% good. And in this case, Dee Kosh’s flaws have been come to the light [sic] and he has owned up to them.
7. Putra: Talent
I am aware of the whole situation therefore I left. I’m doing this for the sake of my conscience. This was a very hard decision to make but his actions (if it’s true) goes against my morals.
8. Keith: Talent
I feel that it’s not in my place to speak for Deekosh as he can do that himself.
9. Marcuz: Talent
One should definitely be punished for their crimes, and sexual harassment must be taken seriously, but now we have to depend on the investigations by the respective authorities. Actions will be taken and there will be consequences when the truth comes to light
10. Shi Song
I absolutely do not condone sexual harassment of any forms. Investigations against Deekosh are ongoing, and if found guilty, he will have to face the consequences.
Bonus Content: Praveen
media from the convo to further verify. let’s be real, it’s kinda impossible for a catfish to get a selfie like this from inside Power98’s studio lol.
— praveen. (@DisparateFool) August 20, 2020
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